Dynamic Phantom for fMRI
Our patented dynamic phantom, BrainDancer(TM), was designed to remove scanner induced artifact from resting-state fMRI data. By producing a “brain-like” fMRI signal, BrainDancer can determine the degree to which measured fMRI time-series accurately track ground-truth dynamics. Using the difference between true and measured dynamics, the phantom then uses AI to learn distortion patterns and corrects for them, dramatically increasing signal/noise across sessions, scanners, and sites.
The video shown above provides a brief overview of BrainDancer design and operation. To view, please click on the image.
User manual can be downloaded here. A video showing how to set-up BrainDancer in your MRI is shown below.
For more information, see:
Rajat Kumar, Liang Tan, Alan Kriegstein, Andrew Lithen, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi, Helmut H. Strey. Ground-truth resting-state signal provides data-driven estimation and correction for scanner distortion of fMRI time-series dynamics.
Daniel J. DeDora, Sanja Nedic, Pratha Katti, Shafique Arnab, Lawrence L. Wald, Atsushi Takahashi, Koene R. A. Van Dijk, Helmut H. Strey and Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi.Signal Fluctuation Sensitivity: An Improved Metric for Optimizing Detection of Resting-State fMRI Networks.