K-12 STEM Education
Part of our mission is nurturing future scientists, whether in developing an elementary school engineering curriculum or teaching at SigmaCamp, a science and math camp for ages 12-16.
Selected Press
STEM-Talk Podcast (Interview with Ken Ford & Dawn Kernagis): October 28 2020; Bloomberg News (Interview with Tom Giles): 01 June 2020; Radio New Zealand (Interview with Dave Campbell): 23 April 2020; MSN “Low-carb diet may ‘reverse age-related brain damage’” 07 Mar 2020; The Guardian (UK): “Low-carb diet may reverse age-related brain deterioration, study finds”; Rei Red (Russia—“Stress Test: The Science of Fear”): May 18, 2018; The Asahi Shimbun (Japan—Interview with Tetsuya Ishikura): March 2017; National Public Radio “Invisibilia—Fear” (Interview with Lulu Miller): January 2015; Wall Street Journal: February 5, 2013 “Why Stress Makes You Sweat”, Reader’s Digest: February 2013 “How the Science of Fear Makes Soldiers Stronger”; National Press Club, Washington DC (Science Coalition media round-table on national science policy); October 2012. Discovery Channel (television), August 2011; Curiosity, primary featured researcher on Fear episode: April 2010; Popular Mechanics: August 2008 “The New Science of Fear: Can It Predict Bravery at 13,500 Feet?,” pp. 52-54; CNN: August 19, 2009 “Sweat may give off sweat signals, study says”; Jeff Wise, Extreme Fear: The Science of Your Mind in Danger (2009) Macmillan Press, New York. (significant reference to our research throughout the book, particularly Chapter 1); Suddeutsche Zeitung (Germany): December 5, 2008; “Der Geruch der Angst”; Der Spiegel (Germany): August 3, 2009 “Alarmbereit durch Angstschweiß,” Nr. 32; Arbejdsmiljø Magasinet (Denmark): August 2009 “Sved afslører stress.”